Изучение английского языка в Москве для учеников 6-7 классов. Но далеко не каждый ученик, который только в школе изучал английский, сможет "потянуть" этот уровень. Мы с уверенностью принимаем своих учеников на этот уровень, а новичков проверяем при помощи тестирования уровня знаний по английскому языку.
Подготовка к экзаменам PET и ГИА.
Курсы английского языка для старшей школы
Учебный план:
Unit 1. Family matters | Families today From a verb to a noun Julie's bossy parents Noisy neighbours Present simple: use Present simple: spelling Present continuous: use Present continuous: spelling Definite, indefinite and zero articles Mountains of the world Sentence stress Sentence stress PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 4 PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 5 Intermediate Test 03 Present simple and present continuous |
Unit 2. Criminal records | Intermediate Test 05 Hotel burglar jailed Verbs and nouns Phrasal verbs with go and get What was everyone doing? A singer's childhood First day at school Past simple v past continuous Be: past simple use Past simple regular: use Past simple irregular: use Past continuous: use Regular past tense verb endings Find the schwa PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 2 PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 3 |
Unit 3. Lost in translation | Lessons at school Negative adjective prefixes Adjective prefixes (un-, im-, in-, ir-) Countable and uncountable nouns Modifiers and quantifiers Determiners - quantifiers: a lot of, lots of, loads of, several Determiners - quantifiers: little/a little, few/a few Determiners - quantifiers: much v many Some, any, no, a/an Relative pronouns Relative pronouns in impersonal statements Word stress Word stress patterns PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 2 PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1 Intermediate Test 01 |
Unit 4. Fit and well | PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 2 Intermediate Test 08 Feeling ill Compound nouns Phrasal verbs with take Then and now Present perfect with for and since Postcard to a friend Present perfect Present perfect: use Present simple v present perfect Past simple v present perfect Prepositions of time: for v since Syllable stress Word stress PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 1 |
Unit 5. TV world | Intermediate Test 19 Here is the news ... Television programmes Johnny Depp Comparative and superlative adjectives Who is the fittest? Superlatives Hard times prison Young people now and then Determiners - quantifiers: (not) enough, too + adj + infinitive Too v enough: use and word order Comparative adjectives: (not) as ... as; less ... than Word stress in compound nouns Sentence stress PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 2 PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1 |
Unit 6. Living planet | Happy or unhappy? Intermediate Test 13 Environmental advice Environmental problems Get, do and make Will v going to Will v going to If you eat too much ... Zero conditional: use If you walk under a ladder ... First conditional: use Future with going to: use Future with will/won't: use Pronouncing sounds PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 5 PET/PET for schools Paper 2 Part 3 |
Unit 7. Odd jobs | An ideal job Telephone calls What's the word? Modal verbs Modals of advice Life changes Obligation/necessity: must, have to Obligation/necessity: mustn't, don't have to Obligation/necessity: need, needn't, must, mustn't, have to, don't have to, needn't have, didn't need to. Second conditional Second conditional: use Sounds and spelling Weak and strong syllables PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 1 PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 1 Intermediate Test 14 |
Unit 8. Good friends | Good friends Pronunciation of 'd Intermediate Test 15 Word building Nouns from adjectives A horror story Describing pictures Past perfect: use Going out -ing forms and infinitives Gerunds and infinitives: likes and dislikes Infinitive v -ing form -ing form: after prepositions Contrastive stress PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1 PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 1 |
Unit 9. Read on | Reading for pleasure Astronaut Salvador Dali An interview with Picasso Direct and reported speech Quiz show I swam across an ocean Reported questions: wh- questions Reported questions: yes/no questions Reported speech: changes Reported speech: past reporting verbs Word stress Sentence stress PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1 PET/PET for schools Paper 1 Reading Part 4 Intermediate Test 20 |
Unit 10. Cyberspace | Visiting a high-tech house Information technology The environment Helping the environment Passive v active Campus passives Passive The passive: impersonal statements The passive: present continuous The passive: present perfect The passive: omission of agent Words with three or more syllables Rhyming words PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 2 PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 3 Intermediate Test 02 |