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Курс английского языка для 6 и 7 класса

Изучение английского языка в Москве для учеников 6-7 классов. Но далеко не каждый ученик, который только в школе изучал английский, сможет "потянуть" этот уровень. Мы с уверенностью принимаем своих учеников на этот уровень, а новичков проверяем при помощи тестирования уровня знаний по английскому языку.

Подготовка к экзаменам PET и ГИА.

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Учебный план:

Unit 1. Family matters Families today
From a verb to a noun
Julie's bossy parents
Noisy neighbours
Present simple: use
Present simple: spelling
Present continuous: use
Present continuous: spelling
Definite, indefinite and zero articles
Mountains of the world
Sentence stress
Sentence stress
PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 4
PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 5
Intermediate Test 03
Present simple and present continuous
Unit 2. Criminal records Intermediate Test 05
Hotel burglar jailed
Verbs and nouns
Phrasal verbs with go and get
What was everyone doing?
A singer's childhood
First day at school
Past simple v past continuous
Be: past simple use
Past simple regular: use
Past simple irregular: use
Past continuous: use
Regular past tense verb endings
Find the schwa
PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 2
PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 3
Unit 3. Lost in translation Lessons at school
Negative adjective prefixes
Adjective prefixes (un-, im-, in-, ir-)
Countable and uncountable nouns
Modifiers and quantifiers
Determiners - quantifiers: a lot of, lots of, loads of, several
Determiners - quantifiers: little/a little, few/a few
Determiners - quantifiers: much v many
Some, any, no, a/an
Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns in impersonal statements
Word stress
Word stress patterns
PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 2
PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1
Intermediate Test 01
Unit 4. Fit and well PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 2
Intermediate Test 08
Feeling ill
Compound nouns
Phrasal verbs with take
Then and now
Present perfect with for and since
Postcard to a friend
Present perfect
Present perfect: use
Present simple v present perfect
Past simple v present perfect
Prepositions of time: for v since
Syllable stress
Word stress
PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 1
Unit 5. TV world Intermediate Test 19
Here is the news ...
Television programmes
Johnny Depp
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Who is the fittest?
Hard times prison
Young people now and then
Determiners - quantifiers: (not) enough, too + adj + infinitive
Too v enough: use and word order
Comparative adjectives: (not) as ... as; less ... than
Word stress in compound nouns
Sentence stress
PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 2
PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1
Unit 6. Living planet Happy or unhappy?
Intermediate Test 13
Environmental advice
Environmental problems
Get, do and make
Will v going to
Will v going to
If you eat too much ...
Zero conditional: use
If you walk under a ladder ...
First conditional: use
Future with going to: use
Future with will/won't: use
Pronouncing sounds
PET/PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 5
PET/PET for schools Paper 2 Part 3
Unit 7. Odd jobs An ideal job
Telephone calls
What's the word?
Modal verbs
Modals of advice
Life changes
Obligation/necessity: must, have to
Obligation/necessity: mustn't, don't have to
Obligation/necessity: need, needn't, must, mustn't, have to, don't have to, needn't have, didn't need to.
Second conditional
Second conditional: use
Sounds and spelling
Weak and strong syllables
PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 1
PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 1
Intermediate Test 14
Unit 8. Good friends Good friends
Pronunciation of 'd
Intermediate Test 15
Word building
Nouns from adjectives
A horror story
Describing pictures
Past perfect: use
Going out
-ing forms and infinitives
Gerunds and infinitives: likes and dislikes
Infinitive v -ing form
-ing form: after prepositions
Contrastive stress
PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1
PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 1
Unit 9. Read on Reading for pleasure
Salvador Dali
An interview with Picasso
Direct and reported speech
Quiz show
I swam across an ocean
Reported questions: wh- questions
Reported questions: yes/no questions
Reported speech: changes
Reported speech: past reporting verbs
Word stress
Sentence stress
PET for Schools Paper 1 Writing Part 1
PET/PET for schools Paper 1 Reading Part 4
Intermediate Test 20
Unit 10. Cyberspace Visiting a high-tech house
Information technology
The environment
Helping the environment
Passive v active
Campus passives
The passive: impersonal statements
The passive: present continuous
The passive: present perfect
The passive: omission of agent
Words with three or more syllables
Rhyming words
PET for Schools Paper 1 Reading Part 2
PET/PET for Schools Paper 2 Part 3
Intermediate Test 02

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